Summer Sundays at Bethesda (2024)

Sunday 4th August – Olympics themed All Age Service at 10.30am

During the service, the children who want to can participate in the Bethesda Olympics and between these events and activities we will consider how athletics can inspire us as we think about our everyday lives following Jesus.

We will finish by 11.30am when tea and coffee will be available.

Sunday 11th August – Forest Church – 10.45am at Southwick Country Park

During our time in the forest we wll be thinking about light and how we can reflect God's light.

Lifts can be available from Bethesda at 10:30 (let Nigel know if you would appreciate this).

We will finish around 11:45 and those who would like to can stay for a picnic lunch.

Sunday 18th August – Inside Out themed All Age Service at 10.30am

During the service, we will be using clips from the Inside Out movies to help us to think about who we are and what is important in life.

We will finish by 11.30am when tea and coffee will be available.

Sunday 25th August – Summer Sundae at 10.30am

During our time together we can each enjoy making an ice cream sundae and we will then spend time thinking about how God mixes together our different gifts and personalities to make something deliciously beautiful. There will be three different zones available for this:

Creative Zone - arts and crafts materials will be available for people to use to explore the theme.
Worship & Prayer Zone - join in the sung worship, pray out loud or simply use the space to be be quiet.
Discussion Zone - and opportunity to discuss the theme with others.

Following our sundae making and time in the zones we will finish with the opportunity for anyone to share what they have learnt with everyone else,

We will finish by 11.45am.

Growing together in life, hope and faith.

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
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