Ways To Engage

At Bethesda we recognise the value and encouragement we find in connecting with one another and meeting together in various ways. Sometimes discipleship happens in large gatherings, sometimes smaller ones, sometimes one-to-one. At Bethesda there are a variety of ways to be inspired and challenged to follow Jesus more passionately than before.


We have several midweek groups that meet together on a regular basis. These times will include Bible study, prayer, fellowship and almost certainly a biscuit or 3. The groups tend to follow similar material as we cover on Sunday mornings to help us understand how we apply the teaching we receive.

Kintsugi Hope

Bethesda has embraced and supports the work of Kintsugi Hope. The starting point is a course which covers several areas of mental health and well being as well as certain aspects of life we all find challenging. This is how the people at Kintsugi describe their vision:

Kintsugi Hope is not just a charity. We have a vision of starting a movement of Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Groups where people can experience:

  • Safety and support where there is no shame and embarrassment in struggling
  • An increase in self-worth, confidence and wellbeing
  • A deeper understanding of the reality of God's love for them
  • Clear pathways to receive additional support if needed.

For more information please email bethestrow@yahoo.co.uk

Getting involved

The best way to engage with church life is to find something you are passionate about. There are always opportunities at Bethesda. From greeting, AV and hospitality, working with young people, to practical links we have with eco-church, the soup run, and other charities in the town. If you want to ask what gifts God has given you and how you can develop them – just ask!

Our Motto:
‘A Church without Walls’

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
© Copyright 2024 Bethesda Baptist Church. All right reserved. Site by APWD.