(Also referred to as Privacy Notices)
Introduction: A key part of Data Protection legislation is ensuring people know what information we hold about them and what we are doing with it. This is normally achieved by means of a ‘Privacy Notice’ or ‘Privacy Statement’. Under GDPR it is a legal requirement to include more details in these than has been the case in the past.
Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Bethesda are the Data Controller and can be contacted by ringing (01225) 712299 or emailing bethestrow@yahoo.co.uk.
We are collecting this information to enable the church to keep in touch with you and provide pastoral support as appropriate.
Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest.
Your name and contact details will be entered into our church database which is held on the church office computer which is password protected and accessed only by the Minister and Church Administrator. Your contact details will be removed from the database once you are no longer a member of the church – unless you ask to remain as one of our “church friends”.
If you serve Bethesda as a member of staff or in a key role then we will pass on your name and contact details to the Baptist Union of Great Britain and/or Webnet (of which we are members) to enable them to send you information relevant to your role. We will always ensure you are aware of what information is being shared with them and you will be able to decide which contact details are shared.
To enable us to provide adequate pastoral support to you and your family, the Minister may record information which may be regarded as sensitive. This information will be stored (in password protected documents) on the church computer but the password will only be known by the Minister. This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without your consent.
You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you (including the pastoral support information) by submitting a ‘Subject Access Request’ to the Church Administrator. You also have the right to ask for information which you believe to be incorrect to be rectified.
If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Trustee. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office
We would like to include your name and contact details in our Church Directory which will be distributed to all Church family in hard copy as appropriate. A copy will also be kept in the church office. We will not give copies of the Church Directory to anyone else. We will only include you if you give your specific consent for us to do so.
If you are happy for your details to be included, please indicate where asked to do so below*. You can ask for your all or any of details to be removed at any time.
Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Bethesda are the Data Controller and can be contacted by ringing (01225) 712299 or emailing bethestrow@yahoo.co.uk.
We are collecting this information to enable the church to run Kids Church safely and to ensure we can contact you (or other nominated adult) in case of an emergency.
Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest. If you are unable to supply the information requested then we will be unable to accept your child in Kids Church.
The information you supply will be held in paper form in a folder which will be kept in a securely locked cupboard. Only the Minister, Church Administrator and Kids Church leaders will have access to this information.
The information will be kept for three years from when your child is no longer part of Kids Church, unless a safeguarding incident or concern is raised in which case it will be held for 75 years.
If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled, please speak to our Data Protection Trustee. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.