Children and Youth

Kids Church

Our Kid's Church have an incredible, exciting, creative and enjoyable time learning about Jesus. The youngest start in creche which has lots of stimulating games and toys to play with. It is currently parent’s responsibility to supervise their children but we hope to rebuild our team to allow parents the choice of staying with their children or returning to the service in the future.

When ready, the children move to the room next door where they learn about Jesus using paint, clay, cookery, construction, drama, music ...... you name it - they do it. That's why - when it's their time to leave the adult church service all the kids rush out. They really enjoy their time!

All our kid's workers have DBS clearance and we have policies to ensure that the children are safe at all times. (Please ask to see our child protection policies)


From ages 11 – 18 our young people meet in their own group on Sunday mornings. There is a wide range of topics covered from direct questions about faith to challenges around mental health.

The youth is led by a small but dedicated team and are always looking for more volunteers with whom to share this privilege.

Finding God's Hope and Restoration in the Reality of Life

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
© Copyright 2025 Bethesda Baptist Church. All right reserved. Site by APWD.