Learning to be Honest about our Faith (John 4)

This series considers what we can learn from Jesus and his conversation with the woman at the well in John 4 and asks 'How can we learn to be honest about our faith in the way that Jesus did?' These are the 5 headings we will look at: Places, Opportunities, Inspiration, Need God, Training

You can download a set of questions to folow this talk, either for individual or group use here.
You can download a set of questions to folow this talk, either for individual or group use here.
You can download a set of questions to folow this talk, either for individual or group use here.
You can download a set of questions to folow this talk, either for individual or group use here.
You can download a set of questions to folow this talk, either for individual or group use here.

Click on the image access the full list of videos sorted into different series.

Growing together in life, hope and faith.

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
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