In February 2025, we adopted this statement as a description of who we believe that God is calling us to be. We want to be a community which reflects and engages with every area of life. We recognise the brokeness that exists in life today and the hope and restoration that can be found in God.
The image next to our purpose statement is an example of the art of Kintsugi. In this art form, broken pottery is repaired using gold. Rather than trying to hide and be ahsamed of the brokeness, the damage is highlighted and makes the end result even more beautiful.
At Bethesda, we recognise that we all have scars and hurts. We want to be a community in which people can be honest about the realities of life and what we have faced and are facing. We believe that the freedom to be honest about our hurts is the first step towards finding healing. Our Hope is that God will continue to restore each of us and make us into something more beautiful as we support, love and grow together.