The Chrispiration Conversation

Discover the Christmas Inspiration in the Nativity story. Using a chat show style we discuss what we find inspirational about the nativity characters and all 4 episodes are now available here.

What Inspires you about Mary? Chrispiration Conversation Part 1: Due to a technical Hitch, there is no video footage from this week.

The following videos contain fun all age talks to introduce us to the nativity characters in each conversation. We are grateful to Bob Hartman for making his matreial available for us to share online.

All age talk to accompany Chrispiration Conversation 1: Mary
All age talk to accompany Chrispiration Conversation 2: The Shepherds
All age talk to accompany Chrispiration Conversation 3: The Magi
All age talk to accompany Chrispiration Conversation4: Jesus

We used this inspirational song and creative Bible reading as part of our worship during the series:

Growing together in life, hope and faith.

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
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