Christmas at Bethesda

The Chrispiration Conversation

Discover the Christmas Inspiration in the Nativity story. During our December servces, we will be using a chat show style where three people will discuss what they find inspirational about the nativity characters.

The service will last about an hour and the children will have fun in our Kids Church for 45 minutes of that time. Tea and coffee will follow the service.

Join us live or catch up on our YouTube channel.

Sunday 1st December, 10.30am: Mary

Sunday 8th December, 10.30am: The Shepherds

Sunday 15th December, 10.30am: The Magi (Wise men)

Sunday 22nd December, 10.30am: Jesus

Christmas Eve Carols by Candlelight at 4pm

This relaxed and informal service will be enjoyable for people of all ages. It will last around an hour and will be followed by refreshments.

Christmas Day, 10am:
Happy Birthday Jesus!

This short, fun service will be suitable for people of all ages and will be a great opportunity for us to celebrate the birth Jesus together.

Growing together in life, hope and faith.

"I have come that they may have life and life in all its fullness"
John 10:10
Bethesda Baptist Church. Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0AA
© Copyright 2024 Bethesda Baptist Church. All right reserved. Site by APWD.