*Photographs include recordings i.e. video
Policy Statement
At Bethesda, we want to celebrate all that we do. One of the ways we will do this is by taking photographs and sharing with others. As far as we are able, we will not put anyone at risk by using their photograph. We want to give people an informed choice about being photographed and their wishes will be respected. Images of individuals could often be defined as personal data in the Data Protection Act 2018. In many cases consent from the individuals will need to be obtained in order to process (capture and use) the images fairly and lawfully. Taking and using photographs or film footage of people without their consent could constitute a breach of the Act.
In view of this we will seek to obtain the consent of all individuals who are being photographed. This will be done by written parental consent to use images of under 18s and verbal consent from adults.
Procedure for taking and using photographs at church
The only purpose for taking photographs of people at church or at church events should be for use by the church i.e. on the church website, the church closed Facebook group or for event promotion
e.g. at the beginning of a service or event, make sure everyone is aware that photos will be taken and the purpose for which they are being taken. This will be done through Power point slide at the start of the service and a verbal announcement. People will be given the opportunity to opt out of having their photograph taken either by telling the photographer or moving out of the shot. We will have written consent from parents on kids church registration forms. The photographer must endeavour to find out which children must not be photographed.
Photographs being taken by the general public:
During a service / event where it is expected that people may wish to take their own photographs (e.g. carol service, nativity, baptism etc.), the following announcement must be made:
If you would like to take photos, please feel free but can we ask that you do not share on social media if anyone else’s child is also in the shot.
Sharing images
Photos must only be used for the original purpose they were taken for and no other purpose. Photos can only be displayed via church website and church private Facebook account.
No names or personal details of the child / young person will be published with the images used.
If anyone requests their image be destroyed, then the image will be destroyed immediately. Once an image has been put on a website / social media, it has become public property and we have no control over how it is used by others. We can only control how we as a church use them and so we will endeavour to ensure all reasonable checks and permissions are gained BEFORE any image is published.
10th November 2020